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Date: July 8th 1942
Mom and Dad

8 July 42

Dear Mom & Dad:-

Received the parcel containing the shirt and socks, also a letter.

Will send telegram acknowledging receipt of parcel in few days. Will also send note to Beaver Club.

Am writing, as usual, from the YMCA. Donnie is here playing checkers. He has a letter written to his father before him. There is no street address on it.

It wasn't until yesterday that he told me about his people having to move from the field. I knew for a long time from your letter and the Steel Worker. He told me it had something to do about rent.

There is a rumor around that the RCAF will receive applications from personnel in the army. They seem to be in need of bomber crews. If the opportunity occurs, I will apply for a course in navigation. The rumor promises a four month course in Canada. My knowledge of mathematics should aid the application.

Last April they wanted two men from my company to volunteer for the commandos. You are right the first time. I did it. And was accepted. I passed all the medicals, but was stopped short in the Dentists office. No amount of persuasion would change his mind, my teeth were definately bad. And so I am still in the WHSR.

There is a movie about to start in this tent so will have to quit for now.

Lots of love to all

PS Thanks for the parcel

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