Sept. 20, 1917
Dear Mother,
I received your letter a few days ago and was glad to know that you had gotten away to Banff in looking over your letter I noticed you remark about that speech from the minister from Missouri, of course being from there, as the saying is you've got to show him. I guess anyone knows that the habit is not healthy for anyone, but, I think he is out a whole lot and is condeming it & also those who use it. I wonder if he ever were in France, as a buck, if not I don't think he has much license to say such things. There are plenty of men out here who are addicted to the habit and I don't hesitate to say, that they are more of a man than he is. I don't know Ada Ward myself, but it makes me think they have no sympathy for the soldiers and they seem to give a pro-german view of the boys.
Mother just the other day I was strolling around and went over a piece of ground, which was a scene of lively conflict sometime this past summer and if Miss Ward or that Minister could see what I did they would not speak so irrespective of the boys. Those are the sort of people they need in this war. Myself, I think about the best thing over here is being a Canuck. That man may be very clever and sees all those faults but I would like to have had him with me today.
Yes I have received several parcels of papers and was glad to get them although I had to leave some up in the dugout, when I was up the line last time. I have never had any experience with those shirts but I was asking some of the boys about them and they say they are fine. I think I am rid of them just at present. For the only time since I got to France. We got into a pretty clean dugout, which is pretty lucky as most of them have plenty of inhabitants. You asked about Harold McIvaig. I don't know his address, but Herb Caldwell seen him one evening, as he was going from down to the Reg. He gave me part of his address but I forgot it, but will try to find out. Herb was going to Paris on leave. I expect to on in a couple of weeks.
I never heard whether that was Trevor Gallis whose grave I saw was the son of the Minister although it is sometime since I wrote asking about it.
I never heard any particulars about Bert, although I have every reason to believe he was in Action.
Tell Laura I will trade her some Bully & biscuits for her dinner and give her some [?].
I suppose the boys are all busy these days. The grain has been cut sometime ago here. The weather is fine and I hope it remains so. I am with the R.E.s for a time. Well I guess I must close. Give my love to all hoping to hear from you soon,
Good night from your son,
P.S. Same address as before.