June 10th, 1917
Dear Mother,
So glad to get your last letter, which didn't seem to take so long coming. You will have by this time got my last picture cards, which I was certainly in more hurry over than just now. You see we were just moving our happy home again, with all our goods on our backs, as per usual, which isn't much now, I can assure you. We just carry equipment, and our "best friends", which you'll know is,...well, we didn't move far, but things look a little more lively now. I know that I did and I don't think I'm an exception, for the first whiz bang (principally "bang") I executed a dive for the handiest dugout, and believe me, I wasn't no way slow. But we are getting acclimatized, so to speak and don't mind any contraptions, unless they get too close. And then we are right there on the lively stunt again. I am on a working party just at present and doing night work, which suits me, as we work like --- for a short while, and get a good long rest after. And we get all the eats we want here, so I'd rather be here than the rest camps. There is a lovely deep dug-out that I'm living in, that the Fritzes used to occupy at one time, and looks good when the scrap iron starts to fly. I often used to read about this kind of life, but it's altogether different when you get here, and it doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary, at all. I suppose, till a Blighty come along, that's the dub for a wound that takes you to Eng and they think you're lucky then. But I don't go looking for one. I hear now they are expecting this thing to end in 60 days, and they are sure going some.
Well mother, I was sure glad you got the surprise you had in April, with the colt. I guess you'll sure think a lot of it, almost as much, I guess, as uncle thinks of his buggy. I wasn't a bit surprised about Standrings, and I'm sure you won't be sorry not to have them again. You'll be glad to know I got a letter from Roland, and I guess he is like me, his next leave will be when the war's over. He wants to be remembered to you all. What do you think most of us boys from Benito got a parcel of candies and cigs; there was a note from Miss Howe in mine. It sure took it some time to get here. I still hear from Bertha. I got a snap with the last. You mentioned something of Min but I didn't get it. Yes, mother, I'm still interested in home, and I'll be there like a streak when the time comes. We all signed Nat Service Cards last week, as to occupation and where we go after the war; and there is some land scheme too. So I may make out on that, as I won't go far after this. Well mother, I'll close now with love to all and hoping this finds you well, love from