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Dear Ab

I missed the mail this morning with your letter, and now am glad I did, for I received just now your dandy letter of the 10th Oct, enclosing clippings and Church Programme.

I'm awfully glad you gave that brave P.P.CL.I. chap my overcoat. Knowing what I do now of what those chaps went through, I deem it an honor for me for one of that regt to wear anything of mine. If he is short of clothes and needs anything of mine that will fit him, why you just hand it over, for I wont want them for sometime unless I flirt too much with the whizbangs or coal bones etc ad infinitum. If you see him again tell him that one night we were out around our barbed wire, and brought in a rifle marked P.P.C.L.I. 483

Please thank Mrs Ellis for me for her kindly thoughts.


2nd Spasm

Have you read that story in Pearson Magazine for October on Page 391 called "Nothing to Report"? Read it, if you get the chance

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