Waverley Temperance Hotel,
172 Souchiehall Street,
Glasgow, May 13
Dear Lilian:
Everyone in the battalion is away on leave now, with one or two exceptions. I got in here last night and shall stay two or three days. I'm getting some civies made so that I wont lose any time in Halifax getting away fro the army.
This is quite a large city and very busy. I don't like it as well as Edinburgh judging from what I have seen of the place this morning.
I didn't take part in the big parade in London after all. Only about 125 men and five officers went from the batt. It was a great show though, even if I wasn't there, and we got quite a write up in one of the papers.
The Olympic sailed Saturday with the 25th and others. They will be home before you get this and I hope that we shall get the Olympic next trip.
The weather has been great for a bout a week and the trees are all leafed out. I saw apple trees in blossom a few days ago.
Don't answer this for I hope we shall be away before a letter would come over.