Royal Military College,
September 20th 1916
Dear Nen:-
I received Ella's letter O.K. and was sorry to hear about the boat but glad that the fellows got stung. I suppose you'll be moving in soon as the weather is so cold.
The Duke is here today and we had an awful time getting ready for him. Battalion Infantry, and Artillery Telephone are our jobs i.e. The Army Class. We have to send messages over phones which we have set up at the fort and I got stung with the job of doing the phoning. All the time I am talking the Duke is "listening in" on the wire at another phone. I hope I don't pull any bones.
We got stung for $3 the other day for our rec. fees and what with going to two shows this month and other expenses I am pretty well strapped. You might please send me some of the money I made at Petawawa $2 or $3 as I have to buy some football stuff. Also please send me my football knee pads, the elastic ones. Thanksgiving in 2 weeks, hooray! Love to all.