A very sad bereavement came to Mrs. David McNaughton on Thursday of last week when she received a message from the Records Department at Ottawa stating that her son, Sergt. Edmund H. McNaughton was killed in action August 9th. Sergt. McNaughton received his education at the Collegiate Institute here, where he was an officer in the cadet corps and where he was very popular with his young companions. From boyhood he took a keen interest in military matters, and went to the coast with the Cobourg Heavy Battery when they were called out at the outbreak of the war. He went overseas in June, 1916 with Lieut Lean's draft of the Cobourg Heavy Battery and has now nobly surrendered his life on the field of honor, Sergeant McNaughton was a young man who was not only a favorite among citizens but also enjoyed the respect and esteem with those whom he came in contact. He was 26 years of age and was just ready to take up the responsibilities of life when instead he put on the khaki, A life, however, is not measured in years and he chose the proudest, best, part. He has gloriously sealed his devotion to duty and to liberty and righteousness with his life's blood on the battlefield. Very deep indeed is the sympathy felt with Mrs. McNaughton in the death of her only child and in this The World
sincerely joins.