W.H.Bell 50 batt France Feb 15 1917 Dear Sister- Well it been a long while since I wrote you but weve been going soon steady its be hard to find time to write to anyone I have time now to write cause I got a scratch in the face and another in leg though neither of them are serious if a they draw blood a fellow has to be anoculate to prevent blood poison I got hit when we were pay Fritz a little visit and I can't explain the feeling you have when shell are bursting all around you don't feel scared just a kind of let me at him feeling but there aint much fight left in fritz after our artillery is through with them The prisoner say they are getting terribly pounded up and that England will blow them all up next spring so I gues the war will end this summer all right I hope it end soon enough so we can get home by Xmas I saw Mr Whitticur[?] our old school teacher the other day and it looking fine. Well how is everybody living at home I got my Xmas box all O.K. and Lucy and Gordons picture Sock and home made cand are always welcome over here. Has Ted enlisted yet or any more of the boy from Innisfree or around They had better hurry up if the want to do any fighting but they'll be mighty lucky if they never get here cause it not only fighting but work work all the time if a fellow get hit though his treated like a prince our medical corp is certiany great I have about run out of news hoping you are all well answer soon. Bill Have you heard from uncle Sandy lately