Address Reply To The Secretary, Militia Council Headquarters, Ottawa Canada, And Quote No. 649-J-6072 Department of Militia And Defence Ottawa, Feb. 27th. 1918. From,- The Adjutant-General Canadian Militia To,- William Johnson, Esq., 2-35th Ave. Lachine, P.Q. 91714 A/Sgt. William Hill Johnson Canadian Expeditionary Force Sir,- I beg to inform you that a report received by mail, from England, states that the marginally noted non-commissioned Officer was admitted to No.16 Canadian General Hospital, Orpington, England, on January 19th. 1918, suffering from shrapnel wounds in the head, right leg, and left ankle. P.C. Cusswell for Director of Records for a/Adjutant-General LF.