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Date: August 29th 1914
Rev. Irwin
Walter Thomas "Tommy"

ValCartier Camp, Aug 29, 1914

Rev. A Mansell Irwin, B.A., B.D.
Norwood. Ontario.

Dear Sir,

I received your welcome letter yesterday & for which I thank you kindly, it is very nice to know that you are not forgotten even when you are away.

I did not receive my call untill 10.30 am of the 14th August & had to get away by 7 am next morning, so I had no time to let many people know or to say good-bye.

But still I am here & must & will try to do my best in the firing line, & elsewhere, & I earnestly hope our forces will be victorious in in finish.

It will entail a lot of lives & sacrifices but they will be in a glorious cause, the cause of Freedom & the cause which will win out eventually, at least I am sure it will, with God’s Help.

There are hundreds of some of the finest built men in Canada here at present, & when they leave for the front, there is going to be some good work done.

We are having lots of drill & rifle practice here & it will not come amiss.

The food is good, & there is a Y.M.C.A tent here with books & papers to read.

You must excuse me writing in pencil but we do not find it as convenient to write a letter here, as at home, so have to do the best we can.

I will close now, again thanking you for your letter, & will write again soon. Trusting you are in good health & will remain so.

Yours faithfully in Christ

Walter T. Robus

c/o 40th Northumberland E. Company
8th Battalion. ValCartier

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Robus.Walter.Suicide Club.Iron Second Robus.Walter.Suicide Club.Iron Second Robus.Walter.Suicide Club.Iron Second Robus.Walter.Suicide Club.Iron Second