Seaford 19/10/18
Dear Mother:-
When I came back from town tonight I found the parcel in which you sent my gym suit awaiting me. It was in good shape and I will give it a try soon as I am going to get out [on] a run next week and try a little basket ball again.
MacCormac is coming to the Depot next week and on Thursday he and I are going to parade to take steps to apply for our commissions in the Machine Gun Corps. If luck favors us we will get through for nerve and ingenuity count a whole lot. Mac's foot is in bad shape but he's putting up a good bluff. If I had that letter of recommendation you were to send me I could get into the R.A.F. now in a few weeks as things are moving fast these days.
I am working in the Orderly Room just now and taking life fairly easy. Was down town with Mac for supper tonight. Eggs is [sic] the main diet here, as they are not rationed.
Am well. Will write more in a day or so.