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Date: January 24th 1951
Edward McKenzie

Jan. 24/51.

Dear Mom:

I received your parcel the other day but why so much Kleenex, it makes awfully poor eating. The sox are very much appreciated and the food and candy.

We just finished a hard weeks training digging slit trenches. We would dig one trench a day and try and stay awake for the rest of the time. It was the easiest time we've had yet. We haven't met up with any gooks yet and I doubt if we will. We slept out last night, it was cold but not to bad. They woke us up at 1 o'clock in the morning and took us for a two hour hike and left us to find our own way back. Some training, like a bunch of kids playing cowboy.

They gave us the morning off to-day. All the officers were celebrating last night and were to drunk to work this morning I guess. The Major's wife had a son and they just received word. I wish she'd have a couple more and we might get a day off. Every one is getting bored to tears here bugger all to do and no time off to do it.

One of the fellows are taking a lot of pictures so I'll send some home as soon as possible.

It doesn't look like we'll be getting in action at all. Rumors are flying around like mad but none of them seem to come true.

The weather has been cold lately but its getting a little warmer. No snow where we are at. Were not far enough north thank God. It's cold enough here for me.

I went to the dentist this morning and have to go back on Friday to get some fillings in. The guys say he's a good dentist I hope.

Don't believe the news you read in the papers about us it's just a bunch of B.S. The guys have a great time laughing at the clippings.

Don't work to hard.


P.S. Send me a pajamya bottom not the top I have 3 tops now.

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