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Date: June 13th 1943
Helen, Mother & Dad - (wife & parents)
Ernest Witt

R122119 Sgt Witt E
Sqdn 405

Dear Helen, Mother and Dad,

I last wrote on June, 1st and since then have had a week’s leave, arriving back last night.

On June [1?] I got Helen’s parcel. The banana flakes were quite nice, though I have not much chance to use them. On June 4 we had a show here put on by the Can. Army. What was my surprise when the female impersonator turned out to be [Clare?] [Roadhouse?] of Portage.

On June 5th our leave started. I went into London and got a nice place at the R.C. Club in Leincester Court. There I met Walter Bell of Portage who is a Corporal in the R.C.A.F. He asked to be remembered.

On June 7 (Monday) I went to a musical show. On Tues I went to H.Q. and learned that my commission had been recommended and I should have it in a few week’s time. (They say two, but they always do) I also find I’ll get back pay on my Flight sergeant and W.O.2 rank, and that will be handy because I still owe the govt. some money which they overpaid me. On Wed. I went to see Aunt Daisy and Uncle Ray. and stayed all night. Aunt Daisy got mother’s parcel that morning and was very pleased. On Thurs. I went to see J.B. Priestley’s “They Came to a City”. with a lady friend. She is an interesting type, a photographer with a studio in the West End. She took my picture and I’ve sent it. It was only a quick shot while I waited for her to take someone else, and I may get her to take a real one when I get my flat hat. She has rather a distinguished clientele and has met a good many well known people. On Friday I went to the Hippodrome to see a musical review and enjoyed it. Yesterday (Sat) I shopped for some books and came back to camp. So my leave ran itself out and I enjoyed it. I met several old friends at the Beaver Club.

The letters I have before me are Dad’s blue one of May 19th Mother’s of May 6th Helen’s of May 23rd and 31st. So glad to get them. I did not know of a Ralph Hart, but I’ll inquire immediately. Sorry to hear of Mrs. Switzer’s death. I guess by now you are all together. How I should love to be with you, but that is a distant prospect at the moment. A year ago today I wired for the additional week and arranged for B’s christening. Just where the year has gone I don’t know. However I keep busy and the time passes.

Well I must get this away. I hope you all have a happy time together and enjoy the summer. Don’t worry about me too much. Incidentally, my “lady friend” is no spring chicken. When I get leave again is rather uncertain. This letter is a bit sketchy but it travels faster than any other way. Cheerio to you all and I hope the little man learns to swim. I’m so glad he likes the books.


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