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Date: January 31st 1951
Isabella McKenzie - (mother)
Edward McKenzie

Jan 31/51

Dear Mom:

Received your letter of the 22nd just this afternoon it only took nine days, pretty fast. My parcels have been coming thru good. I got the last one with candy, and cigs. You don't have to send cigs. that's one thing we can get lots of. I went to the dentist this morning and had a small cavity filled and then I took the rest of the day off. To heck with this climbing mountains like a bunch of goats all the time. I'm swinging the lead as much as possible. The only thing is there's not much chance to swing it. It's a lovely lazy day to-day nice and warm in the afternoons and cool at night.

Sorry I haven't sent anything home I should have sent something from Puson, there's nothing where we are at now. I'll sent some snaps as soon as possible.

I hope you don't believe all the clippings that are in the paper about us some are purely B.S. and then some. All one company has done so far is shoot a few gook farmers.

I think I'll go to sleep now we were on guard last night and I never got much sleep

There's not much to write about.

I'm still healthy and going strong. Dad may as well wear all my clothes they will never fit me now. I haven't got that pop belly any more, I left that up in the hills somewhere.

So Mae is having another addition, I guess you will never be finished raising a family at that rate. You better give her the Beverley and move into her home.


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