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Date: December 23rd 1950
Isabella McKenzie - (mother)
Edward McKenzie

Dec. 23/50

Dear Mom:

We arrived here all in one piece about four days ago. We're sitting here in Pusan walking up hills and trying to get back in condition.

I received your parcel in good shape and everything tasted good. We got rid of the cake in a very short time. Everyone had parcels waiting here when we arrived, so we had quite a feed. I got your letter yesterday that was mailed on the 9th. The one where you described all those silly dreams you had. You'll never get any sleep if you have dreams like that.

We stopped over for a few hours in Yokohama and Kobe, not very long. You could never imagine what this country is like, the filth and poverty is terrible. The people must have been living like this for centuries and they don't seem too unhappy. The Canadians seem to be enjoying themselves around here, its not to bad.

We are living in tents, cots for sleeping on, with a sleeping bag, warm as toast. Two small oil heaters in the tent keep it warm enough.

We have a lot of fun with this money over here and bargaining with the Koreans. The dollar is worth a thousand “won” here. A can of American beer is worth 3,000 “won” from the Korean shops and worth 15c in the canteen. The bootleggers are as bad as at home.

I received a parcel from the I.O.D.E. the other day, a 2 lb. box of choc., a lb. of cookies, and a carton of gum.

It isn't so very cold around here, cold at night & in the morning. We have a warm parka with a liner that keeps us warm.

It looks like we'll have Christmas here. They have a lot of cake, nuts and so on that the kitchen is stocking up on.

Were drinking English and Scottish beer here in the canteen, its okay. Big quart bottles for 25c. I haven't tried the native drinks and I don't think I'll bother.

Japan was a nice looking place compared to this spot. The women sure have the costumes. Who said there was no women over here.

Everythings okay so far.



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