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Date: October 21st 1918
Mr. Irwin
W.J. Stares

A. Coy. 6th Can. Res. Bn.


Seaford, Sussex


Oct. 21.1918.


Dear Mr. Irwin,


Now the long evenings have come, and we are all in Quarantine, it makes a fellow feel like writing long letters. Your letter of Sept. 29th received yesterday and was very pleased to hear from you. We are in a very bad state here, owing to the plague that is sweeping England, the “Flu” many deaths have occurred in Camp and every available space is now a Hospital even to the Canteens, Y.M.C.A. Huts Ecl[?].


A gordon of picquets surround the Camp, stopping any one from entering or going out, we were to have had moved to a larger Camp as Witley in Surrey, but have been postponed for the time, so far I have escaped getting the “Flu” but I had my time about a couple of months ago, still I have a slight cold on my chest, which will take some looking after. The latest arrivals in Camp is Malcolm Sloan and Arthur Hannon, and I have been getting all the latest news and scandle of Norwood, Sloan is quite a talker.


Sorry to hear of the death of Geo Towsend and Bob Chamberlain, Max MacNaughton wrote me while in the Base Hospital wounded slightly, doing fine, hopes to be discharged soon. Many thanks for information concerning “My Loving Ladies.” Really I think you are becoming a tease, I shall have to tell them to give you a Severe Rep. The famous Fair is over. Hoping it was a Great success, it also means starting my 5th year of Soldiering. I shall soon be getting a long service medal, or my discharge as being too old for Active Service.


I suppose your thoughts are running along the lines of Hunting. The call of the Wild wispering to you, getting your Rifle polished up Ect.- I received bad news a week or two ago. My Dad, while on Guard duty was taken suddenly ill and laid quite a while before discovered. As he is well over 60 it was rather hard with him, glad to say the latest reports are favorable, and he is progressing nicely.

I quite agree with you regarding the Boys getting married, so far I have Kept clear, but one never know how soon he may fall. So far my intentions is to wait until after the War. Return to Canada, and then look out for a suitable mate. A fellow will then after roughing it for 4 or 5 years. Living in shell holes, Sand bag abodes, or 40 to 50 feet in the ground, realise what Home comforts mean, at any rate I will. Now if “My Loving Ladies” was to know this, I think I would have letters by the score, giving me mental pictures of how they would make an ideal Home for me. Then of course you would benefit as well. A big feed, and plenty of pocket money, and that’s a big item in these hard times. Well I shall have to “Ring Off,” along this line of thought or you will be having your own back by hinting to the Ladies my Confession.


Each days papers bring splendid news. Belgium coast cleared, Germany asking for Peace, and the Huns retreating, all along the line. I think it will not be very long before we shall be sailing Home to Canada.


No word from Karl for a long time, hoping he is in Good Health, for I hear that nearly all the Camps are suffering with the “Flu” Will close for this time Wishing to be remembered to All the Kind Friends, and while I think of it, Success to the New Choir, (40 voices I hear.) Please remember me to Mrs. Irwin and Family, and to your next door neighbor, just across the road from you.


I Remain Your




W.J. Stares.

Original Scans

Original Scans

Stares, William James. Letter. October 21, 1918 Stares, William James. Letter. October 21, 1918 Stares, William James. Letter. October 21, 1918 Stares, William James. Letter. October 21, 1918 Stares, William James. Envelope. October 21, 1918