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Date: September 4th 1942

Sgt. Boon W. D.

Can. R61125

#150 Squadron


Sept. 4, 1942.

Dear Betts, -

Well sis – I've quite a few letters from you here – so I had better “get cracking.”

First one is #25 – June 28th – at the time of writing it, you were sunning yourself in the back after finishing your exams. You were a little skeptical as to your results in your exams, but I see by a later letter that you passed them all – congratulations sis – good show!

Oh yes – Johnny is getting along famously – he's collected a gong – D.F.C. & he's now a Flight Lieutenant – pretty snazzy eh! I have to write a letter to him tonight too. He feels pretty tough about Mandel – like myself he saw Mandel quite a few times since we came over – but we'll get even!

As to what I'm doing – well I'll tell you one thing – there are quite a few cities in Germany – that I've seen burning – don't need as much coal to heat their homes after we pay them visit – great fun what?

George is still with me – in another crew. He's on leave at present. As for Alec Podolsky I don't know where he is – he was on leave when I was posted.

Your #26 was written just before you went to camp - & from the sound of #27 – you had a good time at camp.

Lois Neilson sounds just like her sister Anna – must be a barrel of fun.

You mentioned something about some pictures – well how about it?

This will be all for now -

Lots of Love -

Yours – Bill.

Original Scans

Original Scans

William Daniel Boon. September 4, 1942. Letter. William Daniel Boon. September 4, 1942. Letter. William Daniel Boon. September 4, 1942. Letter. William Daniel Boon. September 4, 1942. Envelope Front. William Daniel Boon. September 4, 1942. Envelope Back.