Address Reply To
The Secretary. Militia Council
Ottawa, Canada
And Quote No 649-S-12871
Department of Militia and Defence
June 5th., 1917.
The Adjutant-General Canadian Militia,
Mrs. J.R. Stretch, Port Coquitlam, B. C.
790379, Pte. Amos. Theodore Stretch,
29th (formerly 131st) overseas Battn, C.E.F.
Madam, -
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 21st ultimo, and in reply I beg to state that the following information was received by cable from England, regarding the casualty to the marginally noted soldier, -
"Reported wounded, remaining at duty, April 9th, 1917, nature of wounds not reported yet."
Should any further information be received Private Stretch you will be immediately advised, but it is quite evident from the foregoing that the wounds were not a serious nature.
I have the honour to be,
Your obedient servant,
Frank Beard
Director of Records for a/Adjutant-General