Ottawa, Ontario,
21st August, 1945.
Mrs. Jean G. Latham,
Ste. 7, Victoria Block,
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.
Latham, Frank Wilfred, F/O (Deceased)
J41740 R.C.A.F.
Dear Mrs. Latham:
You will recently have received from Treasury a cheque payable to your order in the amount of $455.33. This is the total amount to the credit of your husband’s Service estate and is made up as follows:
Proceeds from sale of R.C.A.F. effects $170.61
Refund of loan to Officer’s Mess 20.00
Re-credit of payments – 6th Victory Loan Bond 100.80
Balance of Pay Account 164.12
This amount is paid to you as sole beneficiary named in your husband’s Will on file in this Branch.
Please complete and return the enclosed form of acknowledgment.
Yours faithfully,
For Director of Estates.