November 12th
Dearest Mary,
I had a very sweet letter from you about three days ago. It made me almost homesick to think you really want me back so much. You know you always said that “I was not quite Tom!” and it made me feel very proud when I read “that Tom was not Herbie.”
I had a letter from Mr Carmichael yesterday. He and Mrs C. came out to camp Saturday week, but as it happened I was in London. They have invited me to come to see them next time I’m in town. Freddie could not get leave this week end so we had to put off our visit to his relative. Walter Chism and I are going to spend a few days with some folks in a country home, quite a long way off. We go to London, tomorrow night and leave Saturday morning for the destiny of our week end sojourn. More anon. Last night it blew and rained so hard that our night operations had to be postponed. Today it has been clear though slightly windy and the maneuvers are on from 7-11p.m. Wind drys up the mud and as I have lots of warm things, I dont mind the cold. Wristlets are most useful things.
Enclosed are a few photos which will be interesting to you. Our huts are progressing and reports indicate that they will be comfortable, one officer per room, some class.
Mess has just gone so must away.
Lovingly yours
P.S. The C.O. had a wire to say that Col Leskie and four of this regt. are going to visit the country home and asking him to postpone our visit, so it is off for this time, and I’m not going on leave to London because my Tunic and Trousers have not come – it is too expensive for 3 days.