[transcription provided by collection donor]
Sept 10, 1916
Motored to Windsor with Capt Brothers & two Sisters. Saw the King’s residence. Visited Eton & Capt Brothers criticized the benches & everything in general. On the way back we stopped at Taplow & had tea with the nurses. Met Dave Freeze there & also Capt Moor of BC.
Sept 17, 1916
Went motoring with Mrs. & Mr. Hutchinson. Had a great ride through Reading to Henley, Marlow, Maidenhead, Twyford & Sonning. The latter is a quaint old village.
Sept 18, 1916
Went rabbit shooting. When they cut the grain the rabbits go to the center & so when the square gets small they break & you pot them. In half an hour I bagged 31 rabbits. Then the shoot was over.