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Date: February 20th 1943
Helen Witt - (wife)
Ernest Witt

R122119 Sgt Witt E
Sqdn 405

Dear Helen,

I hope I can get everything on the one page, so shall write small. I last wrote on the 10th. Next day we were up at 5 A.M. for an all day [stage?]. Coming back 0.11, and landing at another airdrome. We then got our 48 hr. leave, slightly overdue. I went to visit my Aunt Carrie. Quite enjoyed it, spending all week-end with them. On the Sunday, Feb 14 I became god father to Phyllis young son Julien. Real name Charles Julien Walther. A lovely baby four months old. Felt quite like old times. Only my uncle and Aunt, Phyl, young John (6 yrs old) myself and one or two village friends were there. Phyl’s husband doesn’t hold much with christenings and couldn’t get down from London anyway. I caught the bus etc back that night.

Unfortunately I also caught a cold and have felt a bit wretched this past day or two. On Wed Feb 19th we flew again, uneventfully.

I have your letter with the one from Eileen. Oddly, I got my own back almost the same day, so shall readdress it to them. I also have yours of the 18th and the 24th the latter only having clippings in it. Very nice of Uncle Charles to take you out. No I did not hear from Tack Moor. Please thank Verne for her nice letter. The little man’s scratching on it remind me of the wee teeth marks on a bar of taffy in one of the parcels. I kept it for quite a while. You can’t imagine how little things like that mean so much. So glad you had a nice time with Bea. and that the little fellows got along so well I am so glad you are going to the celebrity concerts. Your idea of going to the coast sounds very generous darling. The folks would love it. I shan’t mention it to them though. Sorry darling but I can’t even buy a handkerchief over here – no coupons – much less any ladies’ wear.

Nash had his spot of adventure all right. You never know your luck. Please don’t worry about me too much because our work could be more dangerous

Get paid to-day – £7. twice as much as I should get, again. However I have enough money, when they do cut me down. Should get some leave in a month’s time. Well darling must get this away. Love to you both and good wishes to everyone else.


Eileen and Ernie seem quite happy – Hope he can stay on after the war.

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