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Date: March 17th 1942
Phyllis Cochrane - (sister)
Allen Cochrane

March 17 1942
no II

Hi Toots:

Well, hows tricks quite good I hope. I really can’t complain myself and guess it wouldn’t do me any good if I did want to. Right now it is after supper, I have just got done having a cup of cocoa, two doughnuts a piece of cake and a jelly roll and right now I am working on a chocolate bar. The name of it is Cadburys Ration. Not doing too bad for myself at all am I, but you see I just got paid to-day and I have to make some kind of a bang, of course I could go out and get drunk but that costs too much, no, don’t worry I don’t do that.

I been here about two months now and I have got three letters from you. Two of them I recieved on the 6 of march, you had wrote them on the 8th and 12th of January. The other one I recieved on the 14th of March, you wrote it on the 8th of February. O yes and thanks a million for the parcel I also recieved it on the 14th of March, it sure was good. The chocolate Bars were broken up a little but the package was still good. We can still buy bars here once in a while but they are nothing like the Canadian Bars. Once again thanks a lot.

I’m sorry that I didn’t answer your first letters sooner, I should have a real good kick but I guess I am safe in saying that here, I hope so.

In your first letter you sayed something about the car not running what is the matter with it? Did you run a wheel off of it or did you try to climb a telephone pole, which.

So you got your tea cups read eh and you didn’t want to say what it was about. It didn’t by chance say that you were going to marry a soilder and have ten kids, did it. By the way I got a letter from Bert on the 6th of March, he wrote it on the 8th of January same day as you, hm. Say how does Bert like it in the Ordnance or does he say. You see, I suggested that he join the Ordnance, and if it turned out that he didn’t like it it would sort of make me feel rather small.

Perhaps you might have noticed a slight pause just then, well you see I had to stop and fill my pipe. That’s all that I smoke now. I have quit smoking cigerrettes.

Sure am glad to hear that you are enjoying city life. Do you like the city better than the country. So Dale took you to the banquet hey, good for him. Did he give you a better time than I did. At least he called for you on time which was more than I did okay okay so what, wanna make somthin of it. When did Jack Williams come to Calgary, seems to me that he was still up north when I left.

So you saw Clifford hey, I guess you was surprised, I hadn’t seen him once all the time that I was there. And you saw Blaire Mac boy you sure get around. Did you give him my regards. I suppose he is working in Calgary or is he. So Ken Sherran is a “two-night-a-week soilder,” thats his Canadas war effort. Does he still work at Kings Drug Store.

Am glad to hear that you are doing quite well in your school. How long is it going to take you.

You were telling me about all the shows that you have seen, but you havent got much on me. Last week I saw two free shows. One was ‘Pride and Prejudice’ it was a very good show but just a little hard to follow. The other was ‘Boom Town’ I had seen it before but I enjoyed it just the same. There is to be another free show to-morrow night but don’t know the name of it. There was a good show at the theatre last Sunday night ‘Hudson Bay’ but I was broke so I couldn’t see it. There is another next Sunday night ‘Danny Boy’ I shall have to try and go to it. It only costs 6 pence which is about 12 Cents in your language.

As you can see by the paper I am writing in the Salvation Army Canteen. It is just Plumb full of noise. There was a Sargent Playing the piano and him and another fellow have just finished playing a duet. It wasnt bad either. By the way how is your music, can you play any classics yet, I bet you can, just like I can fly an airplane.

Well I can’t think of much more right now except that I would like you to send a few films. I want the Super XX size 620. They only cost about 5¢ more than Vericrome and are very much better. I can buy the Vericrome here but not the XX

Don’t be in any hurry to send them, just whenever you happen to be making up a parcel.

There is also one more thing which I would like you to send sometime whenever you have the money It will cost about $2.50 or $3.00 but I shall try and send you the money. You can get it at any good camera store or at Eatons where I bought my camera. The description of it will be as follows. Be sure to follow it very closely.

A Wratten “A” filter, Series VI (series 6) When you send it be very careful in packing it as it is glass and will break very easily.

Guess that is about all for now except once again thanks very much for the chocolate and for the letters. Keep on writing cause it sure means a lot over here. I too will try and write more often.

Your loving brother

P.S. There is two fellows in here that have just started up on the Mandolin and Guitar they have just got done playing ‘Alice Blue Gown’ and are playing ‘My Darling Daughter’. They aint two bad either.

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