“Miss Phyllis Cochrane
[Sender’s Address:
Pte Cochrane A.G.
1st Cdn Ord Base W/3”]
Oct 1st 1942
Dear Phyllis:
Well hows tricks, just about okay I suppose. I wrote a letter to you last night but it has been so long since I wrote I thought an airgraph might be a good thing. I received your parcel on Tuesday Sept 15 and it sure was swell. Please send some handkerchiefs in the next one. Keith and I spent our leave to-gether in Glasgow and we sure had a swell time together.
I received the letter from you and mother yesterday and am sure glad to hear that all is so well at home exspecialy the crops, don't forget to send some pictures.
Cheerio for now. There are letters on the way.
[written on back of page, date/author unknown:]
Phyllis I guess I sent your letter but [?] me – we forgot.