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Date: July 26th 1943
Phyllis Cochrane - (sister)
Allen Cochrane

July 26, 1943.

Dear Phyllis:

Well Phyllis I have finally decided to write to you at long last and I guess that it is about time isn’t it. There was a big mail in to-day and I got one letter from you and two from Mother. They sure were welcome you can believe me.

There just doesnt dont seem like there (changed my mind) to be much to say except to talk about the weather which has just been fair. The last three days though (Sat, Sunday and to-day) have been quite nice.

Havent done a great deal since I got back from leave but just sorta lay around. I went on a course when I got back and have just finished. There was a fair amount of head work required so I guess that will answer why I didnt go anywhere.

Last Saturday I went to a town about 10 miles away with another fella and saw a show. It was “You were never Lovelier” with Fred Astaire and Rita Hayworth. It was a pretty good show got a good laugh out of it anyway.

So that man of yours is still there eh, boy he is doing alright. He certainly has been there a long while.

Well Sis this has been an awfull poor Letter but I just cant write to-night to save my neck. Will try and do better next time.

Cheerio for now Sis


P.S. Did you get your birthday present.

We sent a cable to Mother for her birthday but she never said whither she got it or not.

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