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Date: September 5th 1945
Phyllis Cochrane - (sister)
Allen Cochrane

Sept 5th, 1945.

Dear Phyllis:

Well Phyllis heres the same ole story about getting behind in my letter writing This time I have three of your Air mails to answear. The first was recieved on the 18th the second on the 28th and the last one to-day. Golly but there sure must be an awfull epedimic of Weddings around there again but the one that surprised me the most was Thelma although I dont know why. Give her my best regards and congradulations.

When did Leroy Richards get home. Seems like most every body is getting home except Kieth and I but I guess that there is a few yet besides us.

By the way Dad I have forgot to acknowledge your last Air letter of the 12th. It arrived on the 21st was sure glad to get it. It is to-bad that you couldn’t have some of the rain that we get here cause it seems as though it is always raining.

Well so long for now

P.S. – By the way Phyl I just now noticed that I did answear your letter of the 18th so maybe I aint quite so bad after all.

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