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Date: February 12th 1918
Mr. Irwin
Louis Norris

France 12-2-18.

Dear Mr. Irwin

Your letter dated Dec 31-18, receved a few days ago, was very glad to hear from you indeed. No I have not met Karl yet! I was down to his Battalion last week and they told me that Karl is not in the unit yet, but will be there shortly, so I will be going down again the first chance I,ll have:

The weather out here is not bad at all at present it is very cold but dry, and there is nothing else we wish out here now is dry weather

I, am in the trenches at present and enjoying the best of health I, am very sorry to hear about Tom Morrison’s exident I sympathize with him, and the loss of his house & hope he will recover soon.

I suppose the boys which came back from the front had something to say about France

By the way what became with Lt Thompson which had command of the Norwood plattoon? did he come over to France or returned to Canada?

How is everything in Norwood now I suppose there are not many young fellows left? so conscription will not affect Norwood much!

I would like to see what the medal looks like.

Very glad to hear that I, am O.K. with the people of Norwood and you know I was often wondering what Mr. Squire thinks of me now, as you will remember the little trouble I had with T. Buck and Mr. Squire and T Buck said that I was a boy but still we should worry about that. It past anyhow and we have to put up sometimes with diferent litle things in this world.

Well Mr. Irwin I think this is about all I,ve got to say for just now hoping this letter find you in the best of health, as it leaves me at present.

With best regards for all at home

I remain Yours

Very Sincerely


P. S.

Please excuse writing

Original Scans

Original Scans

Norris, Louis. February 12 1918. Letter. Norris, Louis. February 12 1918. Letter. Norris, Louis. February 12 1918. Letter. Norris, Louis. February 12 1918. Letter.